Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Verde que te quiero verde.

Verde viento. Verdes ramas.

El barco sobre la mar

y el caballo en la montaña.

Con la sombra en la cintura

ella sueña en su baranda,

verde carne, pelo verde,

con ojos de fría plata.

Verde que te quiero verde.

Bajo la luna gitana,

las cosas la están mirando

y ella no puede mirarlas.

Verde que te quiero verde.

Grandes estrellas de escarcha

vienen con el pez de sombra

que abre el camino del alba.

La higuera frota su viento

con la lija de sus ramas,

y el monte, gato garduño,

eriza sus pitas agrias.

¿Pero quién vendra? ¿Y por dónde...?

Ella sigue en su baranda,

Verde carne, pelo verde,

soñando en la mar amarga.


Green, how much I want you green.

Green wind. Green Branches.

The ship upon the sea

and the horse in the mountain.

With the shadow on her waist

she dreams on her balcony,

green flesh, hair of green,

and eyes of cold silver.

Green, how much I want you green.

Beneath the gypsy moon,

all things look at her

but she cannot see them.

Green, how much I want you green.

Great stars of white frost

come with the fish of darkness

that opens the road of dawn.

The fig tree rubs the wind

with the sandpaper of its branches,

and the mountain, a filching cat,

bristles its bitter aloes.

But who will come? And from where?

She lingers on her balcony,

green flesh, hair of green,

dreaming of the bitter sea.



Poem is the first two verses of Romance Sonámbulo/Somnambule Ballad, by Federico García Lorca. Translated by Stephen Spender and J.L. Gili.

This wonderful corner of the metaverse is called El Sacromonte. It has a flamenco club and tapas bar, a beautiful plaza, a big rock to dive from and a gypsy caravan. It's a gorgeous tribute to Andalucía. (http://slurl.com/secondlife/Liberation/78/224/42)

Marisol is wearing MAU's and MEJ's Undine dark black hair and a locket by Yummy Acessories & Jewlery in which you can place a photo. Her dress is Silk Gypsy by Paper Couture (from a few seasons ago, available on XStreet). Very 1930s bohemian, it is the perfect dress for standing on your balcony overlooking the green sea in the green dark of night, waiting for your lover to return ... he has fought valiantly against the fascists but at this very moment is stumbling his way home with his friend, both bleeding, dying, with drunken civil guards fast on their heels.

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