Wednesday, December 9, 2009


The flower spider (Misumena vatia) is an ambush predator.

It sits and waits, usually in a flower or inflorescence, for its prey to come to it.

Adult female flower spider bodies may be tinted white, rose, yellow, or green, taking on the color of the flower in which they live.

A patient killer, it waits quietly to embrace its next unsuspecting victim.

Though its chelicerae, or jaws, are small and slender, the flower spider possesses potent venoms that quickly immobilize its prey.

It does not wrap its prey in silk, but instead remains with the immobilized victim until it has sucked it dry.


*Skin: alpha.tribe::: [Klein (46,114,56)], Natural Things v.1
In the throes of a long spell of SLennui, I fell in love with the metaverse again after a visit to Alphaland. Go there.

*Hair: AVZ ~ CyberPunk [Laymon (128, 133, 27)], Kumo Hair (Black/White)
Finally-- an opportunity to wear my cyberpunk hair.

*Outfit: Designing Nicky Ree [Tropical Orchid (228/126/31)], Dragon Princess Body Suit
Only bikini top and bottom worn (all the better to hunt prey with).

*Boots (seen in pic #2): VvB Stiletto Heels [Dark Eternity (91, 218, 42)], BLACK VIK 6-LACES Knee Boots V2.
Finally! Well-made fetish shoes! Check out the thigh-high boots--oh la la.

*Location: Eshi Otawara's Flower Tower [Remedy (79/57/401)]
One of Eshi's amazing builds.

*Flower spider information source was, among other websites.

This is probably one in a long line of posts where I'll explore the femme fatale theme, mainly because of the rich sartorial possibilities involved

1 comment:

  1. Once again I cannot help but admire the manner in which you take both yourself and the background and seemlessly meld them together. haunting yet beautiful, this is definately not the spider to cross paths with and end up as either prey or mate. One of these nights I'll have to see you create your art in person.

    Keep up the blog. You have so many stories and you tell them so well.

